[Elfsea] Central Regional 12th Night feast

Michael Gunter countgunthar at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 9 08:37:20 PDT 2007

Hi Everyone,
It looks like I've been given the honor of preparing the Central Regional 12th Night feast. Now you all know I'm a lazy bum so I'm looking for help from the region. Basically, I'll be designing a menu that can be prepared ahead and then pretty much defrosted and warmed on the site since the kitchen facilities are rather minimal. 
If anyone is interested I'd like to farm out some of the dishes, many hands make like work. I'll be redacting the recipes and showing folk how to do them and then see who would like to cook what.
My initial idea is a variation on my Laurel's Prize Tourney entry:
Manchet bread
Egredouce (a meat pottage)
Zervelat (a German Sausage)
Capon Stwd (steamed herbed chicken with a wine sauce)
Boiled Salat (Spinach in a vinegar/butter sauce)
Peasen (fresh green peas cooked in broth)
Makke (mashed beans with wine topped with carmalized onions)
Probably a custard or tarts with Creme Bastard
Drinks of period lemonade, hot apple drink (NOT cider), barley water.
This is the basic outline and some things will change.
But if anyone is wanting to learn to make these dishes and take on the challenge of cooking some for 12th Night please let me know. I can teach a class on it or work with you individually.
I'm looking at 250 - 300 with it probably being on the smallish side since there will be no Crown presence.
I did something similar to this with the coronation feast of Erik and Nichelle in Atenveldt and it was a lot of fun for everyone.
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