[Elfsea] [Steppes] Newest Laurel & LP

Tomas Niallagain siortomas at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 07:12:10 PDT 2007

Yes, congrats to Elin on her announcement.  But I would like to point out
Hanna's new sig line.  Congrats to you too Hanna, newest companion to the
Order of the Iris.

Sior Tomás

On 9/9/07, Judie Willey <littledragon0861 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Congrats...I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.
> Hadassah
> On 9/9/07, Deana Covel <dmcovel79 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > For the newest Laurel elect, Elin the Timid,
> > Vivat!
> >
> > She spent the day dress as a walking portrait in a
> > beautiful striped gold and red Italian gown. The
> > pictures should be wonderful.
> > The moment was extra special for HL Elin, since it
> > was Master Philip White who introduced her and was
> > allowed to call the Order of the Laurel together.
> > Congratulations to HL Elin for a well deserved
> > honor.  Her elevation date in not decided yet.
> >
> > The rest of the day was a fun event for myself and
> > the people I spoke with.  Emerald Keep hosted a
> > wonderful event and provided great food.
> > All the Laurel's gave their prizes privately, but
> > I'm sure they had a hard time deciding between the
> > wonderful displays.  I am looking forward to the
> > pictures.
> >
> > In Service,
> > HL Hanna von Dahl
> > Elfsea MoAS
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> Rebbe Hadassah Sarai bas Yossi
> MoC Barony of Steppes
> Dragon's Laire Ceramics
> www.dlceramics.com
> "dragon's breath to fire our kilns"
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