[Elfsea] Elfsea Defender Iron Chef Competition

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Sun Sep 16 09:50:40 PDT 2007

As you may have heard, there will be an Iron Chef competition this year at
Elfsea Defender, in Ansteorra. We last did this in 2004 (for my wedding) and
the competition was awesome. Each of three teams produced a 4-5 course meal
of the highest quality. Fine dining establishments would have been proud to
serve any of them. The judges had a difficult time, but a winner was chosen
and each member of the team got the prie a 2 quart professional sauté pan.


This year the competition will be run very much like the last one (see the
rules below), but there are currently no registered teams! We had three
teams, but  they had to withdraw. So the field is entirely open for you and
your friends to win this great contest with all the bragging rights that
offers! Not to mention a new prize for each team member (some professional
cooking tool that every cook will want).


I need to have your registration no later than midnight Tuesday, September
18, 2007, so I can purchase the stuff that goes in the box for your team.
Sign in for the competition will be at 0830 on Saturday morning. Boxes of
ingredients will be chosen by lot at that time. Cooking may start
immediately after the boxes are selected. The food will be served to the
landed nobles and a wedding party at approximately 1300 (1 PM for the 24
hour time impaired). The order of serving will also be by lot, though you
may negotiate among yourselves and switch the order if you wish.


Judges will include me (Caelin on Andrede), Lady Servita and HL Arkell (of
the wedding party), and at least 3 others chosen from the royals and nobles.


To register please contact me at caelin at elfsea.net.


Rules for the Competition


The Scenario:
You have been besieged for two months in your manor/castle. And your
supplies are getting very low. Your fearless leader has decided to invite
the opposition leader and two of his companions to parley. You must stretch
your cooking skills to the limit to give the impression you have lots of
food left and can hold out for as long as necessary.  

Each team gets a box containing the same basic ingredients-total weight
approx. 7-8 lbs. There will be 3 different boxes. Each box will contain 

3 lbs. of meat

1 lb. of fruit 

1 lb. of vegetables

1 lb. of rice or cous cous or legumes of some type,  

1/2-1 lb. flour

3 eggs minimum (Eggs up to a doz may or may not be in one or more types of

Period sweetener

Salt, pepper, garlic & minced onion 

A surprise item like maybe chocolate or nuts or such. 

Potable water is available on the site, though you may have to carry it from
the source to your prep area.


You don’t have to add anything to this, but you may add any or all of the
following to your box before you start cooking. Any of these additions must
be furnished by you as they will not be provided by the competition.


A maximum of 3 fresh herbs/spices (unlimited amounts) 

Maximum of 3 dried herbs &/or spices (limited to 1/2 ounce each) 

Spice blends (custom or commercial) count per spice/herb in the blend
(except for salt & pepper which we are going to provide). Blend has 4
spices/herbs and one is salt then it will count as 3 items.
One fresh fruit OR above-ground vegetable - limit 1 lb. 

One root vegetable - limit 2 lbs. 

You can substitute one doz eggs for either the fruit/veggie or root veggie
that the team is allowed.

Liquids will be unlimited for water, milk, cream etc

Vinegar & Soy sauce (and for those that do know, yes soy sauce is period for
some cultures) counts as a spice/herb so you are limited to one bottle of
any kind and it counts against the 3 your team is allowed to bring.

Alcohol can be brought and counted as a spice/herb if used in the cooking

You may provide alcohol with the meal if you wish. Since you will be
providing it, no SCA funds are involved and it is legal

Unlimited yeast can be brought and it will not count against you.

Cooks can bring their cookbooks

Cooks can bring their children, but may not use them as ingredients. J


The teams must provide their own cookware/equipment. All equipment /cookware
must be non-electric. All cooking will be done outside/under tents.


We will have a limited # of loaner stuff and it will be in a big pile the
morning of the event and will be available on a 1st come 1st serve basis the
morning of the event. Don’t depend on us providing any cookware/equipment
but if you see something that will make your job easier, you may use it.


We will provide drinks for the guests who eat your food, but you may provide
drinks if you wish. We will also furnish simple paper plates and plasticwear
for those guests who do not furnish their own feast gear. 


If you have questions, contact me at caelin at elfsea.net or 214.850.1558. 


In service to Elfsea, Ansteorra, and her Crown,

Caelin on Andrede, OP


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