[Elfsea] URGENT !!! Crown Set Up ASAP

Ascelyn of Glentewrde aislyn_glynwyrd_fen at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 4 07:49:23 PDT 2008

If anyone has any time today, we really need help at the Crown Tournament site setting up the baronial pavilions, list fields, gate, etc.  There are presently only three people on-site.
The conditions are wet but drying rapidly and no more rain in the forecast so camping is looking good. The temperature forecast are mid 70's during the day and upper 50's at night, so we hope to have lots of campers.
There is still a burn ban in effect so no ground fires, but fire pits and tiki torches are okay.
Yours In Service, Ascelyn of Glentewrde Seneschal, Barony of Elfsea & Central Regional Missile Marshal Per bend Sinister Gules and Or, a Unicorn Argent and a Rose Proper 
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