[Elfsea] Camping at Gothic War

Miss M Brow starstruck503 at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 14 14:44:11 PDT 2008

Hi, Elsbeth, I would like to camp with the Elfsea/Steppes group for Gothic War.  I pre-regged this morning.  I would also like to be able to follow someone out to the site if at all possible... can I follow you out on Friday? What time are you planning to leave?  Thanks in advance, Rua

From: elspeth013 at hotmail.comTo: elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org; steppes at lists.ansteorra.orgDate: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:51:53 -0500Subject: [Elfsea] Camping at Gothic War

Greetings to all good gentles in Steppes and Elfsea!Gothic War is coming soon and it seems there is a growing number ofpeople going. I will be arriving on site early Friday and setting upcamp on the last row of campsites, where the RV parking is.If anyone is interested in camping in that area, please let me knowand I will happily reserve space.This will be a relaxed camp. There will be no meal plan, no real campmom, and no planned activities or camp time. It will be a relaxedarea for us all to get together and make Gothic War fun and make surewe have space to put up tents and stow our "stuff". If anyone wants todo potluck for dinner, there will be a place set aside to gathertogether for meals and hang out.Please let me know if you are interested in camping with us, and howmuch space you will need. Please include a contact number on theemail just in case there are last minute questions on Friday after Iarrive.In Service,Elspeth de Stervlen817-964-5712

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