[Elfsea] Online Calendar updated

Daniel Foster lorddaniel50 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 2 14:51:43 PST 2008

Please check the email I sent. Archery is not canceled Dec 7th, Only the Dec 21 is canceled. Please correct.......

--- On Mon, 12/1/08, djvarble <djvarble at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: djvarble <djvarble at yahoo.com>
Subject: [Elfsea] Online Calendar updated
To: "'Barony of Elfsea'" <elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org>
Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 11:05 AM

Happy Holidays!
Our online calendar had been updated with all the information I have available.  You can see it at: http://www.elfsea.net/events_calendar.aspx.  If there are any updated or mistakes, please contact me.
For this month only, we will hold a combined Moot and Business Meeting.  We also will have a pot luck dinner right after the meeting.  Please come, bring something to share, and celebrate the end of the year.  
For this month only, both Business Meeting and Moot is been Canceled.  Both meetings will be held on December 18 at our Holiday Dinner Pot Luck.  Next month, Business Meeting will return to its normal date, January 22, 2009, and Moot will return to its normal date, January 26, 2009.
In service,
Daniel of Cameron
Webmaster, Barony of Elfsea
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