[Elfsea] Calling all Merchants

Tomas Niallagain siortomas at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 10:22:41 PST 2008

Merchants of Ansteorra and the Known world,

We Sir Hrafn and Sior Tomas do cordially invite you to come sell your wares
at Central Regional 12th Night. This event will have people coming from far
and wide to celebrate the season with feast and merriment, bear witness to
the selection of the Premier Bard of Ansteorra, or visit with Sir Karl de
Ganger at his vigil on the 30th anniversary of his knighting.

If you are interested in bringing your wares to our event please contact our
merchant coordinator Lady Ealasaid Macal'Bhaird.
She is putting together a booklet with listings for each merchant, to be
handed out at gate.

The Ad booklet will be printed in black and white with greyscale images.
Ads will be formatted to fill 1/4 of a standard 8 1/2 by 11 page. If you are
interested, you may discuss the possibility of including a coupon in the ad
booklet with Lady Ealasaid.

Information can be sent via e-mail either in the body of the message or as
an attachment to Lady Ealasaid at: alexsandraeryn at yahoo.com .

Required information:
Name of Merchant
Type of Wares

Suggested additional information:
Image - either of the logo or a representative product

Contact info (web or phone)
Text about merchant/wares no more than 100 words

We remain in service to Ansteorra, Steppes and Elfsea,

Sir Hrafn & Sior Tomas
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