[Elfsea] [Steppes] Fw: 12th night menu-

Annwn Shona lady.annwn at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 14:02:56 PST 2008

So is there any reason Steppes is basically being left out of the loop on
the 12th Night info?
There are discrepancies in the cost and ACEPS stuff and the black star.
There has only been announcements to Elfsea and not Steppes lists about an
event that is supposed to be a joint venture? I know this may come across as
witchy, but seriously, unless you are on the Elfsea list, the steppes people
are getting NO info unless someone on the Elfsea list thinks to cross post
it. I understand that Elfsea is the lead this year, but leaving the steppes
pupulace out completely save those seen at a fighter practice isn't cool.

My apologies for any toes I step on, I am just furstrated at the piecing of
information that is recieved, and not a straight answer from much of anyone.


On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 6:31 PM, Alasdair MacEogan <alasdair at bmhanson.net>wrote:

> For those interested in what is happening at what is nominally an event
> Steppes is involved in.
> >  -------Original Message-------
> >  From: chris blank <lotusgriffin at gmail.com>
> >  Subject: [Elfsea] 12th night menu-
> >  Sent: 02 Dec '08 19:23
> >
> >  Sorry the menu is taking so long - but if you are going to be crazy
> enough
> >  to try 4 tasting menus (means small portions) on the same day- you
> should
> >  test them first...so I have cooked it all before I announced it....I
> know
> >  it is short notice- I apologize.
> >
> >  Here is a list of the menu in english- ingredients should be there
> >  wednsday-ish
> >
> >
> >  Menu for 12^th Night Feast
> >
> >
> >  MILAN
> >
> >  Brie and Mushroom tarts
> >
> >  Rice soup with beef
> >
> >  Glazed Carrots and Onions
> >
> >  Palermo Chicken
> >
> >  Fresh Fruit Charlotte
> >
> >  Fig and lemon tarts
> >
> >
> >
> >  Assorted tarts
> >
> >  Bread and tomato soup
> >
> >  Artichoke pie
> >
> >  Rolled beef
> >
> >  Rags and Pears
> >
> >  Crunchy cookies
> >
> >
> >
> >  Cabbage Soup
> >
> >  Stewed Lentils
> >
> >  Small Lasagna with pesto
> >
> >  Fennel led pork
> >
> >  Baked Apples and Cream
> >
> >
> >  ROME
> >
> >  Egg soup
> >
> >  Meatloaf in crust
> >
> >  Peas in tarragon
> >
> >  Orange Chicken
> >
> >  Lemony meringues
> >
> >  Ricotta cake
> >
> >
> >  thanks Lyonette
> >  --------------------
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