[Elfsea] Officers reports

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Thu Feb 21 05:05:51 PST 2008

The Exchequer reports are due on the last day of the month following the
month in which the activity occurred. 




From: elfsea-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:elfsea-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Dáire and Druinne
-- the Hays Family
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 06:36 AM
To: Barony of Elfsea; Canton of Dragonsfire Tor
Subject: [Elfsea] Officers reports


Greetings to all officers in Elfsea including our Canton of Dragonsfire Tor.
Reports were due to regionals either on the 10th or the 15th, depending on
what office you hold.  It is past the 20th and we still have several
officers from whom we have not yet seen their monthly report.

As a gentle reminder, all officers should copy their local senschal and the
Baron and Baroness on their monthly reports.

We look forward to seeing those missing reports over the next few days.

Thank you for the service that you do for your groups.

Pray know that we remain in faithful service to our Crown,
Dáire and Druinne

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