[Elfsea] Joint fighter practice

Morgan Mckenzie vonmorgarten at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 20 06:19:01 PST 2008

  I'm glad that the Rapier community had such a good turn out at the joint practice. I think combining Steppes and Elfsea into a joint practice would be good for both baronies. However, I feel one joint practice a month might be better. I do not want Elfsea to lose its presence in its own lands. 

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Today's Topics:

1. Business meeting notes (Deana Covel Whitney)
2. Re: Business meeting notes (Michelle Dodd)
3. Shakespeare Troope (Faelan Caimbeul)
4. stuff at Goodwill (willowjonbardc at juno.com)
5. Re: Business meeting notes (Richard Threlkeld)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 19:46:09 -0800 (PST)
From: Deana Covel Whitney 
Subject: [Elfsea] Business meeting notes
To: Barony of Elfsea 
Message-ID: <758603.93614.qm at web32215.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1


Here are the notes for this month's meeting. It's a
long post, but the populous might want to read the
B&B's part at the end.

In Service,

Elfsea Business Meeting ? Feb. 18, 2008
@ Pyro & Caelin?s house

Seneschal ? Ascelyn absent due to work. Meeting ran
by her new deputy, Morgan MacKinna

Two offices were filled ? Chronicler is now Ealasaid
Mac al'Bhaird (al AERYN)
& Herald is now Cathal, who is fairly new to the

Seneschal office will be open for bids starting in
May. Ascelyn?s warrant is up in July.

Crown Tournament: Furgas, autocrat
Site will be at Bendbrook Lake. Got it for free. 
Is primitive, so people will need to bring in water,
but it is large and nice. 
Need Coordinators & volunteers for: Set up, Tear down,
Gate will open at 4 pm on Friday, site open until noon
on Sunday.
Will be asking crown and landed barons for their space

Site Tokens ? Sir Tomas working on them. He needs
lead free pewter to make them. Any donations of old
site tokens people don?t want anymore are appreciated.
The will be done prior to Gulf Wars.

Next site for business meeting ? possibly HL Elspeth
de Stervlen & HL Gerhart Wolfgang der Rote?s house

Officers? Reports-

Treasurer ? Have money. End of Year was turned in on
time. End of month is almost done, waiting on bank
statement. Need to change signatures on bank card.

Chamberlain ? Have stuff. Inventory will be before

Knight Marshal ? Not in attendance, did not send
Archery Marshal - Not in attendance, did not send
Chirurgeon ? Not in attendance, no accidents or
injuries to report

A&S ? Last month went well, 9 people in attendance for
nailbinding. Tomorrow will have work night to put
together gifts for Gulf Wars. Warrant is up in July. 
Kingdom A&S ? Elfsea Rocked.
4 of 5 artisans walked away with a pilgrim?s badge. 
One champion (Amaline) & two alternates (Aelfwyn and
Hanna) are from Elfsea. Think we were the barony with
the most number of entries and close to the most
honored, but not sure. 

Scribal Guild ? New Head, Elspeth de Stervlen
First meeting had 4 in attendance and scrolls were
turned in. 
Bardic Guild ? Elanor O?Ruak is trying to get it
started again. Generating interest and working on
fixing a calendar date.

Cooks? Guild ? Caelin on Andrede is planning a
meeting in the next month

Chronicler - NEED Reports in. Due Feb. 19, drop dead
by Saturday Feb. 23. 
Some officers have sent in reports, but so have the
Have a few photographers, but need permission forms
signed and sent in.
Working out kinks in the system so people can enroll
for newsletter.
Baroness printing copies to send to the kingdom

Herald ? New Herald ? Lord Cathal
Just taken over, getting up to speed, will be
collecting herald library and reports shortly. 

Rapier Marshal ? Reports are posted and sent to all
the proper people.
Tournament for Spring Fair is set and will be the
marshal of record, Dirk will be field marshal
Attended the private practice HL Rixende hosted on
Sunday, let her speak more about it. 

Rixende: 19 people there, 12 in armor including one
newcomer and 9 people from Steppes. 
Hosted it as a private practice to see how the format
will work, will also be moving it around to find the
best location for the highest number of people.
Suggest trying to combine Sunday practice with
Steppes, to draw a higher number of people. There is
a successful precedent between Stargate & Loch
Soilleir of this type of joining. Baroness Katheryn
and B&B are supportive of idea, but want to know what
the fighters think.

She is Very concerned about appearing ?Separatist? by
having a light fighter practice at the same time as a
heavy. She is trying to find a solution to a problem.
Not enough people are coming to fighter practice, so
trying to see if a new location and format might help.
Hope is the heavy fighters might want to practice
at the new locations. 

Spring Fair Autocrat ?
Moving smoothly along. Web site is up and connected
to the calendar - Looks good.
Still need Gate Coordinator but some volunteers have
come forward for other posts.
Site will pick up trash if it is inside large
contractor bags.
Archery will be an IKAC tournament, also a fund raiser
shoot and children?s shoot.
A&S competition will be under Big Blue
Her Majesty should be there for Guardian of the
At Crown will extend an invitation to the Princess for
a Cadet tea, but that will depend upon her choice. 
Need format for King of Fools & Heavy tournament. 
Also might need to borrow tents from the populous for
certain activities. 

Baron & Baroness ?
Planning Lots of travel, but people need to remember
to play nice, even when tired. 
Try to encourage new comers, talk to them and ask them
to help. People often don?t know they can help or how
to volunteer, but being asked to help makes them
happy. So don?t be shy and help out those who might

Need award recommendations! Upcoming events: Crown,
Dragonsfire Tor and Spring Fair.
Keystone meeting will be called soon. B&B plan to
only use Defender to make new Keystones, but need to
talk to the Keystones before then.

Need to ask Finical committee and populous about
giving more than 50% of profits from Crown to the
Kingdom. Since the Kingdom is bleeding money, any
extra income is welcome. Lets try to generate ideas
for fund raiser. 

'Tourists don't know where they've been; Travelers don't know where they're going!' - Paul Theroux

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Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. http://tools.search.yahoo.com/newsearch/category.php?category=shopping


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 23:17:20 -0600
From: Michelle Dodd 
Subject: Re: [Elfsea] Business meeting notes
To: , 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

I admit that I am probably un-informed, but I was un-aware that the Kingdom is bleeding money. What was meant by this comment? Is there a known reason for this bleeding?
Ly Gabriele
"To dream anything that you want to dream, that is the beauty of the human mind.To trust anything that you want to do, that is the strength of the human will.To trust yourself, to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed." Bernard Edmonds

> Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 19:46:09 -0800> From: dmcovel79 at yahoo.com> To: elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org> Subject: [Elfsea] Business meeting notes> > Greetings!> > Here are the notes for this month's meeting. It's a> long post, but the populous might want to read the> B&B's part at the end.> > In Service,> Hanna> > Elfsea Business Meeting ? Feb. 18, 2008> @ Pyro & Caelin?s house> > snip
>> Baron & Baroness ?> Planning Lots of travel, but people need to remember> to play nice, even when tired. > Try to encourage new comers, talk to them and ask them> to help. People often don?t know they can help or how> to volunteer, but being asked to help makes them> happy. So don?t be shy and help out those who might> be.> > Need award recommendations! Upcoming events: Crown,> Dragonsfire Tor and Spring Fair.> Keystone meeting will be called soon. B&B plan to> only use Defender to make new Keystones, but need to> talk to the Keystones before then.> > Need to ask Financial committee and populous about> giving more than 50% of profits from Crown to the> Kingdom. Since the Kingdom is bleeding money, any> extra income is welcome. Lets try to generate ideas> for fund raiser. > > > > 'Tourists don't know where they've been; Travelers don't know where they're going!' - Paul Theroux> > > ____________________________________________________________________________________>
for last minute shopping deals? > Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. http://tools.search.yahoo.com/newsearch/category.php?category=shopping> _______________________________________________> Elfsea mailing list> Elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org> http://lists.ansteorra.org/listinfo.cgi/elfsea-ansteorra.org
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Message: 3
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 23:39:03 -0600
From: "Faelan Caimbeul" 
Subject: [Elfsea] Shakespeare Troope
To: Steppes , "Elfsea List"
, "Lindenwood Mailing List"

, "Glaslyn Mailing List"

<6bfa69c0802192139s4fcee2c5k67617f5ab2124a59 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

How many people would be interested in forming a Shakespeare Troope? I'd
like to do some of the smaller plays for performance at events like Warlord,
Defender and 12th Night, maybe even a stand alone performance or two.

Any takers?

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Message: 4
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 04:51:22 GMT
From: "willowjonbardc at juno.com" 
Subject: [Elfsea] stuff at Goodwill
To: elfsea at ansteorra.org, steppes at ansteorra.org
Message-ID: <20080219.205122.29698.0 at webmail03.dca.untd.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

the local Goodwill on Arkansas street and Cooper at the shopping center with DD's and Hollywood video

They have more easels. These are small about a foot tall but they are cheap 99 cents. Also they have a little cutting board with a knife in it for not much. The boards would be great to wood burn or carve. Also Hobby Lobby had really nice glass goblets that are etched. 2.80. They were in the 90% home decor area. 

This Goodwill will be having it half off sale on the Feb 20.

If you are there check DD out. It is mostly Latino but it has some nice medieval home decor. It has a copy of one of the famous ivory crosses but it had been painted. It also has some great prices on tables linens and stuff. 

Have fun 
Click now and invest wisely with these mutual fund resources!


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 00:26:10 -0600
From: "Richard Threlkeld" 
Subject: Re: [Elfsea] Business meeting notes
To: "'Barony of Elfsea'" 
Message-ID: <021901c87389$7c236f70$746a4e50$@com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

The kingdom budget exceeds the kingdom income by several thousand dollars. I
don't have the details of what has increased and what has decreased over
time, but I believe some of it includes: 

1. the Black Star costs more than the subsidy from the Board. The
Kingdom has increased the cost per page for event ads to help with this.

2. There are symposiums for the Kingdom Exchequer and Kingdom
Seneschal which they are expected to attend. The Kingdom pays some or all of
the costs of attending. The Society pays the costs of the venue, materials,
etc. Like everything else these costs have been rising.

3. Budgets have increased to reflect the rising costs of goods we use
(which have gone up for at least the cost of fuel if not other factors)

4. To keep up attendance at events, many groups have reduced their
profits to keep the prices down. This reduces the kingdom's part.

5. I suspect people are being reimbursed more often when they would
have "eaten" the costs of things - simply because they cannot afford to do

6. Attendance is down at events because of fuel costs, reduced
spending money, too many events, or whatever and that reduces profits which
reduces the kingdom part.

7. Travel costs for the Crown have risen also. I don't know if their
reimbursement allowance has change, however.

8. We have a very democratic tendency to want everyone to be able to
be an officer if they are competent to do so. Where previously officers were
expected to shoulder a good percentage of the costs of their office, we now
expect them to ask for reimbursement because it would be difficult for many
of them to "eat" the costs. This is different from #5 in that once the
expectation of reimbursement is entrenched, those who could afford the costs
ask for reimbursement because it is accepted. I'm not arguing this is wrong
or even undesirable - it is just a trend.

9. There are probably 20 other reasons I have not considered

The budget shortfall is not a cash shortfall because many of the officers
don't actually ask for reimbursement even though their budget allows for it
and because this is a projected shortfall (though last year was an actual
shortfall) and we have time to fix it.

In service,

Caelin on Andrede

Elfsea Exchequer

From: elfsea-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:elfsea-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Michelle Dodd
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 23:17 PM
To: dmcovel79 at yahoo.com; elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Elfsea] Business meeting notes

I admit that I am probably un-informed, but I was un-aware that the Kingdom
is bleeding money. What was meant by this comment? Is there a known reason
for this bleeding?

Ly Gabriele

"To dream anything that you want to dream, that is the beauty of the human
To trust anything that you want to do, that is the strength of the human
To trust yourself, to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed."
Bernard Edmonds


> Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 19:46:09 -0800
> From: dmcovel79 at yahoo.com
> To: elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
> Subject: [Elfsea] Business meeting notes
> Greetings!
> Here are the notes for this month's meeting. It's a
> long post, but the populous might want to read the
> B&B's part at the end.
> In Service,
> Hanna
> Elfsea Business Meeting - Feb. 18, 2008
> @ Pyro & Caelin's house
> snip
> Baron & Baroness -
> Planning Lots of travel, but people need to remember
> to play nice, even when tired. 
> Try to encourage new comers, talk to them and ask them
> to help. People often don't know they can help or how
> to volunteer, but being asked to help makes them
> happy. So don't be shy and help out those who might
> be.
> Need award recommendations! Upcoming events: Crown,
> Dragonsfire Tor and Spring Fair.
> Keystone meeting will be called soon. B&B plan to
> only use Defender to make new Keystones, but need to
> talk to the Keystones before then.
> Need to ask Financial committee and populous about
> giving more than 50% of profits from Crown to the
> Kingdom. Since the Kingdom is bleeding money, any
> extra income is welcome. Lets try to generate ideas
> for fund raiser. 
> 'Tourists don't know where they've been; Travelers don't know where
they're going!' - Paul Theroux
> Looking for last minute shopping deals? 
> Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
> _______________________________________________
> Elfsea mailing list
> Elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
> http://lists.ansteorra.org/listinfo.cgi/elfsea-ansteorra.org

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End of Elfsea Digest, Vol 22, Issue 23

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