[Elfsea] Business meeting notes

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Tue Feb 19 22:26:10 PST 2008

The kingdom budget exceeds the kingdom income by several thousand dollars. I
don't have the details of what has increased and what has decreased over
time, but I believe some of it includes: 

1.       the Black Star costs more than the subsidy from the Board. The
Kingdom has increased the cost per page for event ads to help with this.

2.       There are symposiums for the Kingdom Exchequer and Kingdom
Seneschal which they are expected to attend. The Kingdom pays some or all of
the costs of attending. The Society pays the costs of the venue, materials,
etc. Like everything else these costs have been rising.

3.       Budgets have increased to reflect the rising costs of goods we use
(which have gone up for at least the cost of fuel if not other factors)

4.       To keep up attendance at events, many groups have reduced their
profits to keep the prices down. This reduces the kingdom's part.

5.       I suspect people are being reimbursed more often when they would
have "eaten" the costs of things - simply because they cannot afford to do

6.       Attendance is down at events because of fuel costs, reduced
spending money, too many events, or whatever and that reduces profits which
reduces the kingdom part.

7.       Travel costs for the Crown have risen also. I don't know if their
reimbursement allowance has change, however.

8.       We have a very democratic tendency to want everyone to be able to
be an officer if they are competent to do so. Where previously officers were
expected to shoulder a good percentage of the costs of their office, we now
expect them to ask for reimbursement because it would be difficult for many
of them to "eat" the costs. This is different from #5 in that once the
expectation of reimbursement is entrenched, those who could afford the costs
ask for reimbursement because it is accepted. I'm not arguing this is wrong
or even undesirable - it is just a trend.

9.       There are probably 20 other reasons I have not considered


The budget shortfall is not a cash shortfall because many of the officers
don't actually ask for reimbursement even though their budget allows for it
and because this is a projected shortfall (though last year was an actual
shortfall) and we have time to fix it.


In service,

Caelin on Andrede

Elfsea Exchequer


From: elfsea-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:elfsea-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Michelle Dodd
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 23:17 PM
To: dmcovel79 at yahoo.com; elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Elfsea] Business meeting notes


I admit that I am probably un-informed, but I was un-aware that the Kingdom
is bleeding money. What was meant by this comment? Is there a known reason
for this bleeding?

Ly Gabriele

"To dream anything that you want to dream, that is the beauty of the human
To trust anything that you want to do, that is the strength of the human
To trust yourself, to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed."
Bernard Edmonds


> Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 19:46:09 -0800
> From: dmcovel79 at yahoo.com
> To: elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
> Subject: [Elfsea] Business meeting notes
> Greetings!
> Here are the notes for this month's meeting. It's a
> long post, but the populous might want to read the
> B&B's part at the end.
> In Service,
> Hanna
> Elfsea Business Meeting - Feb. 18, 2008
> @ Pyro & Caelin's house
> snip
> Baron & Baroness -
> Planning Lots of travel, but people need to remember
> to play nice, even when tired. 
> Try to encourage new comers, talk to them and ask them
> to help. People often don't know they can help or how
> to volunteer, but being asked to help makes them
> happy. So don't be shy and help out those who might
> be.
> Need award recommendations! Upcoming events: Crown,
> Dragonsfire Tor and Spring Fair.
> Keystone meeting will be called soon. B&B plan to
> only use Defender to make new Keystones, but need to
> talk to the Keystones before then.
> Need to ask Financial committee and populous about
> giving more than 50% of profits from Crown to the
> Kingdom. Since the Kingdom is bleeding money, any
> extra income is welcome. Lets try to generate ideas
> for fund raiser. 
> 'Tourists don't know where they've been; Travelers don't know where
they're going!' - Paul Theroux
> Looking for last minute shopping deals? 
> Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
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