[Elfsea] Gulf war Watch posts available

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Fri Jan 11 19:18:21 PST 2008

I am the Watch Day Commander for Monday of Gulf Wars. This is the group we
don't call Security that patrols and tries to enhance public safety for all
of us.


I'm responsible for the 24 hour period starting at 0600 hours (6AM for most
of us) on Monday morning and going until 0559 on Tuesday morning.  I'll need
help and lots of it to cover the demands of this period for the whole 24
hours. Due to overlaps, the first real shift for you guys starts at 0800
hours (8AM). 


So far the Baroness and the Seneschal have volunteered to help with this.
Many others have mentioned they'd be glad to help, but I did not have the
shifts from Sir Giotto yet and have not recorded them. I'd really appreciate
it if you would join this august group by sending me an email requesting a
particular job and shift(s).


Sir Giotto is the Watch Department head this year. His preliminary schedule
is as follows.


6 Shift Commanders with 4 hour shifts each. Some people have said they would
like to have an 8 or 12 hour stint as Shift Commander. I can accommodate

Each 4 hour Commander shift ideally will have 2 shifts (2 hours each) of 4
Watch patrols (8 patrols in all). We expect the after midnight hours to have

Each Watch patrol consists of 2 persons. Watch members can take more than
one shift if they wish.


It is not yet known if late night shifts get extra volunteer points.


So the shifts are:


Shift Commanders

0800-1200            8AM-noon          ________

1200-1600            noon-4PM          ________

1600-2000            4PM-8PM            ________

2000-2400            8PM-midnight   ________

0000-0400            midnight-4AM   ________

0400-0800            4AM-8AM           ________


Watch Shifts

0800-1000            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________

1000-1200            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________

1200-1400            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________

1400-1600            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________

1600-1800            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________

1800-2000            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________

2000-2400            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________

0000-0200            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________

0200-0400            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________

0400-0600            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________

0600-0800            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________



In service,

Caelin on Andrede


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