[Elfsea] The Future of Sunday Fighter Practices

Rick Johnston rikr_foetipper at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 15 19:52:26 PDT 2008

Tonight at officers meeting it was decided that we will be moving Sunday fighter practices to Willow Creek Park in Saginaw as an experiment to see if this increases regular attendance.  At the same time I would like to move the time for Sunday practice back to starting at 5pm to help make it easier for those returning from events to be able to attend.  These changes will be taking place starting the first weekend in August.  On a separate yet somewhat related note the on the second and fourth Sundays of each month I intend to start having a melee oriented practice.  The first of which will be Sunday the 27th of this month.  This will be a time for us to all learn to fight together as a cohesive unit so that in the busy upcoming melee season Elfsea can shine her brightest.  This will also provide an excellent opportunity for those of you interested in learning ot fight with weapons styles other than sword and shield to come out and learn.  In the
 upcoming months it is my intention to work on getting more people out to practice so that we can all have a fighter practice we enjoy going to and can be proud of.  Part of this is going to focus around teaching classes at practice.  As such I want to take suggestions on classes and will try to wrangle up the appropriate people to teach said subjects.  Always wanted to learn to fight glaive/bastard sword/florentine/single sword/spear/etc.. proficiently? Let me know and I'll see what I can arrange.  Thank you all in advance for the help and support that I am certain I will receive.
Rikr Foetipper
Elfsea Knight Marshal

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