[Elfsea] Calendar (was Ironic Frustration - LONG)

Michelle Dodd lygabrielerdb at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 8 20:28:41 PDT 2008

February would be wonderful for a Collegium. Some of my fondest memories of Elfsea events are of the Collegiums each year. I have missed them. 
The reason I say February is that as a merchant I go to small ren faires which are often held in the autumn months. I would hate to miss a Collegium because it was against a faire. I don't have the luxury of choosing to learn something fun over earning money while having fun. 
Ly Gabriele
"To dream anything that you want to dream, that is the beauty of the human mind.To trust anything that you want to do, that is the strength of the human will.To trust yourself, to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed."   Bernard Edmonds

Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2008 10:04:13 -0500From: daire.druinne at gmail.comTo: rikr_foetipper at yahoo.com; elfsea at lists.ansteorra.orgSubject: Re: [Elfsea] Ironic Frustration - LONGsnipWe need discussion on the event calendar for 2009.Once again - Do we move Defender to second weekend in May and do a collegium in the fall?Do we keep Defender as is and do a collegium in late February?We need input.  The officers of this barony need your good ideas.If the officers and those present reach consensus at business meeting, we will be announcing, not discussing the changes at Moot.Please participate in this decision.in faith and fealty to our CrownDáire and Druinne
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