[Elfsea] sad news

Dana sca004 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jun 25 10:44:33 PDT 2008

Godspeed and hope you can make it back soon.

*¨¨*:.(¯`'.¸ Dana ¸.'´¯) .:*¨¨*

  Ailgenan Macgann wrote:
  to  all my  friends and  extended  sca faily,

  it  is  with a  heavy  heart that i  must  say that  i  must  leave  ansteorra.  Due  to  recent  events in  my  life i  find  mysel  having to   go  to  Ohio for a  while and  leave  behind  everyone i  hold  dear to  me.I  Hope in  a  short  time i  can  return  at  least to  vist and be  with  friends  and  family.

  till  then  my  friends

  Ailgenan Macgann
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