[Elfsea] Evening activties

Catrin ferch Maelgwn ladycatrin at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 17:29:42 PDT 2008

Very much with you on the need for more bardic, Lady Eleanor.  There's no
such thing as too much bardic!

At Lughnasad, I am planning on opening up my pavilion to any who wish to
stop by for refreshment and spontaneous bouts of bardic activity throughout
the weekend.  I'm hijacking the idea from some friends in Caid who have had
great success with their "Open Arms Bardic Hall."  If there are enough
people interested on Friday evening, a gathering there would be a lovely way
to start the weekend off right.  I will post more details as the time draws
nearer, but now's as good a time as any to say that everyone is welcome!
I've been entertaining this idea for awhile, and if it winds up having any
appeal at all, I would be happy to do it semi-regularly.

-Catrin ferch Maelgwn

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:17 PM, eleanor cleavely <whiteoakbard at gmail.com>

> And yes, even Bardic competitions on Fridays can be cool, too! (That'll
> learn me to read ALL words in the email bef0re posting!) Friday night
> competitions can be "fun" or themed competitions. You could also have it as
> a warm-up Bardic and make it a requirement that competitors attend both
> Friday and Saturday night Bardics (Friday to get the
> instructions/challenges, Saturday to actually compete).
> One thing, though, that I don't like is a daytime Bardic competition. I am
> a firm believer that Bardic is better by firelight. It also helps those who
> are a bit put-off by crowds such as first-time bards. The firelight gives
> them a bit of "protection" from the crowd, as it were.
> I want to see many more Bardics happen in this Barony, and vow to make sure
> I host as many as I can while I am Bard of Elfsea and continue that work as
> Guildhead of the Bardic Guild. We've talked a great deal about change on
> this list the past few days. Bardic is one of those things that needs some
> change right about now.
> Who's with me?
> Eleanor Cleavely
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