[Elfsea] Defender/PEDs and the Calendar

Spence Mabry smabry at flash.net
Wed May 28 16:18:27 PDT 2008

Back in the Dark Ages,We used to have dance practice at the fighter
practice. (Shield foot, shield foot. Sword foot, sword foot.). With people
brin ging food & drink, it usually felt like a revel, ev en a tourney when
enough folk showed up.
Or maybe I'm thinking of a different Kingdom.
HL Robin
-----Original Message-----
From: elfsea-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:elfsea-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of eleanor cleavely
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 5:16 PM
To: elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Elfsea] Defender/PEDs and the Calendar

Yu Xue XianXian said: " Single day events probably won't pull in anyone else
but the locals right now anyways.  Few people
 can afford to day trip from afar, seeing it as not worth the effort and

What would be so wrong if we had just a "locals only" event? I think one of
our major problems is that our barony is too splintered. When I posted on
the list about whether Elfsea was camping together at Steppes Warlord, I got
ONE response. ONE. I know many people day-tripped or hoteled (like we
did...sorry!), but there was no real interest in having a Bardic or camping

We need to work on getting back that family feel that Elfsea had many years
ago. We are all too focused on ourselves and not enough on the health of our
barony and our relationship to each other. We should be a family. It was
like this before. Why can't it be that way again? That being said, I fully
support one-day events as a way to reconnect with each other as a barony and
a family.

Tossing in another two ducats
"Mine honor is my life; both grow in one;
take honor from me and my life is done."
--William Shakespeare

Ego existo obstinantus - I am resolved

Reluctor ultum , pareo parum - Resist much, obey little 

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