[Elfsea] Party at Warlord

April Page alpage1225 at sbcglobal.net
Wed May 7 13:40:32 PDT 2008

Count Gunthar Jonsson and Sir Hrafn Olafsson cordially invite you to their joint "recepti-vigil" on the evening of Saturday, May 24th at Steppes Warlord to celebrate Gunthar's elevation to the Order of the Laurel and Hrafn's recent knighting at Gulf War.  The party will begin immediately following evening court.  Just follow the noise to the east side of the list fields.
Any and all donations of food and beverages will be gratefully accepted.  Despite the fact that Gunthar *is* receiving his laurel for period cookery, there is no set theme for the food.  If you are so inclined, anything that would work well for finger food will be fine.  As for beverages, it's rumored that the Porto Gargoyles will be making an appearance, so like-minded libations are entirely appropriate.
Hrafn will be siting vigil in a tent off to the side of the party area for those wishing to speak with him and offer words of wisdom.  Gunthar, who has been through this peerage thing before, will be sitting in the middle of everything, most likely offering advice to everyone else in true Laurel fashion.
With a bardic competition, a brewing competition, and a hafla nearby, there should be quite a party circuit going on.  We hope to see you there!
Lady Elizabeth Seale
Lady Elizabeta di Valore della Rosa
"Official Party Coordinators"
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