De Clark gandalf_104 at hotmail.com
Mon May 19 08:22:49 PDT 2008

1. How far are you willing to travel to daytrip? (hours, mileage)
A couple of hours.
2. What is the deciding factor as to whether you camp or stay at a hotel?
I don't do either really.  It's either a daytrip, or I know someone in the area and stay with them.
3. Do you find it more expensive to camp or stay in a hotel?
I can't answer for the above reason, although I'd guess it'd be more expensive to stay in a hotel.
4. If you got a break on the site fee, would you be more willing to show up early and stay late for set up and tear down?
5. If you day trip, what time do you generally arrive at the event and what time do you leave?
Usually 8-9 AM and either after court or when I'm tired, whichever comes first.
6. What kinds of things would make you more likely to stay later, lets say Saturday of the event? (bardic, parties, special nighttime fighting)
Torchlight fighting is always fun to watch.  A good party can be fun... just depends on my mood that Saturday.
7. Do you have the ability to have one or two people carpool with you to an event? (space in vehicle, for them and their stuff)
Typically, yes.
8. What kinds of things do you like in a site? Please rank the following (1 thru 8 with 1 being most important) __2__ Flush toilets__X__ Showers__3__ Easy access to water__X__ Easy access to electricity__4B_ Indoor (A/C or heated) hall of some kind__4A__ Formal parking (Blacktop/cement)__X__ Close distance to hotels/food__1__ Shade trees
Hope that helps.
De Clark
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