[Elfsea] Boy Scout Demo

Debbie Foster ladyelayne at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 16 20:49:31 PST 2008

Greetings Everyone,
     A huge THANK YOU to all who participated in the Boy Scout Demo Saturday at the Texas Motor Speedway.  Mother Nature challenged us with strong winds and cold temperatures, but we all worked together and put up Big and Little Blue, Blue and White and Polydore's Viking tent.  The scouts saw heavy fighting, archery, our Baroness attended by her ladies sewing and working on various projects, and the early period encampment.  Needless to say, HL Polydore's wonderful hands on camp, was very popular. 
     Having no real knowledge of demo coordinating, thank you your Excellancies for giving me this opportunity.  Special thanks to Aeryn for the Solar and her Excellancy and ladies for assisting, his Excellancy and his fighters, Polydore for setting up a wonderful camp and all that helped him make it a success and Daniel with archers that came to assist. Caelin for use of his truck and trailer transporting all the big stuff.  Eleanor, Sebastian, Cassandra, Meriyan, Wolfart Mattieu, Anika, Alric, Fiona, Caterina, Padraig, Kas, Crandal, Elspeth Gerhart, Gavin, Justin Margie, Jaque, Aurelia, Mortagerten, Shannon, Cathal, Lassguard, Lyneya, you make this great.  Most of all thank you my husband Daniel for helping me to do this.
In Service,
Elayne O'Ceileachiar
Demo Coordinator
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