[Elfsea] OT: Trying to find a home for cats (not mine, trying to help with a medical situation)

shona haskins shonao at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 15:30:57 PDT 2008

Please excuse the bandwidth, but I wanted to put this out there, just on the
off chance that someone would open their home to these two.
We have a week basically, and I have known these girls for a LONG time, and
they are VERY loving. I would take them, but as most of you know, I'm pretty
allergic to cats!
Please no flames about the shelter part, I am with rescue, and because of
the economy more people are dumping animals, and less are adopting, and we
have no foster homes open.

However, if someone would be willing to foster these girls for us, we'll
take care of food and medical, so long as you give lovin's.

What this comes down to, is they have a daughter that is so very allergic to
the girls that there have been multiple ER visits all ready, and that was
before they figured it was the furkids.

If you are interested, please email me _privately_ for pictures!
you can contact me at either shonao at gmail.com or at lady.annwn at gmail.com

-Lady Annwn

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Sorry for the spam email, but I'm desperately looking for a good, loving
home for my two kitties, "A" and "B". They are great cats, about 5 years old
and very well trained (see pics):

*They don't jump up on tables or counters
*They don't get on couches
*They have their own "beds" that they sleep in and "cat hotel" that they
play/lay on. Other than that, they are on the floor. They do occassionally
sneak up into the dining room table chair...
*They know right from wrong (i.e. they aren't allowed to go into our
bedroom, so when they think about it, they go stand right outside the door
and meow really loud to announce that they're thinking of doing something
*The word "no" computes. Say it and they'll stop what they're doing and move
away. For more dramatic effect, click your fingers or clap your hands when
you say no and they'll scatter like the wind.

Both cats are declawed in the front, so they don't scratch, can't mess up
furniture and they aren't aggressive *at all. *They are very sweet girls,
who bask in any attention they get. Because they are sisters, they need to
stay together and can't be split up into different homes.

Maintenance is pretty easy: We have a 10 lb. feeder for both food and water.
Fill the food every few weeks and give them fresh water every few days to
week. They share a single litter box (some cats don't) and we change it once
a week. The longest we leave them is about 10 days for vacation and with
this set up, they are perfectly fine. Feed themselves and take care of their
own business...

Anyway, long and the short of it is, they need a good home and they need one
now. I was hoping that you guys might know someone who would benefit from
some companionship and unconditional love. I've held out as long as I can
and if I can't find them a place in the next week, I'll have to take them to
a no-kill (hopefully) shelter to try and get them a new home. (Please don't
flame me on this, I'm trying everything to find them a home).

Well behaved women rarely make history.
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