[Elfsea] Upcoming activities

Karen French klfrench1023 at att.net
Thu Apr 23 14:52:57 PDT 2009

Hello, Ansteorra!

We have a lot of fun things on the Loch Ruadh calendar coming up, and there might be others in surrounding areas who might wish to attend, as they are welcome to do so.  I don't want these to just be successful in Loch Ruadh, but in some of the other areas as well.  We have much that we can share with the Arts and Sciences community, and as our economy is currently in the tank, distance travelling can prove difficult.  I would also like to encourage other MoAS in the Central Regional to host some of these Weekend Workshops in their groups, so that we have a wide variety from which to choose.  I sincerely believe that this can work, and that it could foster a sense of community in our region and beyond.  Anyone outside of the Central Region that wishes to attend these functions is also welcome to attend.  Here is a list of our upcoming events in question:  
1)  Tuesday, April 28th at 7:30PM, I will be hosting a "Fabric, Notions, and Trim Exchange" at my home.  Anyone who has purchased fabric for something and then found it somehow unsuitable for the project can bring what they have to my home, where we will have large tables set up for the exchange.  All buttons, trims, thread, or anything related will also be available for the exchange.  For any one who has nothing to trade, bring a dessert!  We are easily tempted.  Maps with a URL map to my house can be provided for all who wish to come.
 2)  Saturday, May 29th at 1:00PM, we will be meeting at the Kimball Art Museum in Fort Worth for a tour of "Art, Love, and Marriage in the Italian Renaissance.  I would cordially invite any and all who have an interest in this period to attend.  Not only do they have fabulous paintings, but many artifacts from this period pertaining to the daily life, marriage and childbirth of Renaissance women.  This exhibit costs $10-$14 dollars; the lower figures most likely for students and seniors.  There is a possibility of a group discount if our group is large enough.  Please RSVP to myself or the Loch Ruadh list.  My old email is: klfrench1023 at aol.com, and the new one is klfrench1023 at att.net.
    I can also be contacted by phone at: 682-521-4978.  Crash space can be arranged for any who are coming from a suitable distance.
3)  Tuesday, May 12th at 7:30PM, I will be teaching a class on Costume, Headwear, and Accessories in the Italian Renaissance.  This will cover regional differences in dress, wardrobe pieces and their Italian names, different styles of headwear and hairstyles, sleeves,belts, shoes,and jewellry.  Handouts will be provided.  Maps with a URL map to my house can be provided for all who wish to come.
4)  Saturday, May 30th at 1:00PM, I will be hosting another Weekend Workshop that is open to any and all in the Central Region on fabric selection and patterning for Italian Renaissance Garb.  All who wish to come need to bring scissors, pins, and cheap cotton fabric for the pattern.  If you have any fabric that you believe suitable for this period, please feel free to bring it with you.  I will be available for consultation to all comers.  This is one of the simplest possible later period garb that you can make--really. Crash space can be arranged for any who are coming from a suitable distance.
Caterina Fregoso, O.L.
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