[Elfsea] Pictures and more pictures

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Mon Apr 13 21:08:34 PDT 2009

I have cleaned, geo-tagged, and uploaded several sets of pictures today.
First is Elfsea Defender 2009. Pyro and I spent most of our time with
Archery so the majority of the pictures are also there. I got several with
the arrow after release but before it left the bow! And one of Sir Tomas's
arrows is a foot or so in front of the bow. But there are many of heavy and
light fighters, artisans, and court. I imposed on a gentleman on the
sidelines to take pictures while I was busy shooting and some of the
pictures are his. I don't know his name. If he will contact me, I will give
him credit for them. That also means there are about a dozen pictures of me
- something that rarely happens.


Next, I have uploaded pictures from the Roses event. Many of the court
pictures were after dark at a distance, so they were marginally exposed, but
the wonders of RAW format let me fix them.  I can bring them up a bit more
without adding noise if someone would like that.


Finally, while looking for some Pennsic pictures, I noticed I has 2006 and
2008, but no others. I found, cleaned, geo-tagged, and uploaded 2007. I also
found many events in 2007 that did not make it to flickr and I will be
posting some of them in future weeks.


The standard disclaimers apply: you may use these pictures for non-profit,
SCA use as long as you provide some credit to either Richard Threlkeld or
Caelin on Andrede. For other use, contact me. I have RAW, high resolution
versions of all the pictures. If you want some of them cropped, lighted,
darkened, cleaned up, printed, put on a CD/DVD, etc feel free to contact me.


You can find them at http://www.flickr.com/photos/rthrelkeld/sets/ and these
put me over 15,000 pictures posted (about 98% SCA).


In service,

Caelin on Andrede


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