[Elfsea] Glaslyn Defender of the Flame

M TURNAGE ceinwen7777777 at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 20 07:17:59 PDT 2009

I would like to thank everyone who attended our event.  I especially want to thank Their Highnesses for attending as well as Lady Elfsea and and big thank you to our wonderful Lady Steppes.  VIVAT!


For those of you who were unable to attend, I am pleased to announce those who are Glaslyn's newest Defenders and Keepers of the Flame. They are:


Archery Defender - Kerrick de Casteele
Rapier Defender - Randel Lee Smith
Rapier Keeper - Damon Xanthus
Chivalric Defender - Randel Lee Smith
Chivalric Keeper - Miguel Sebastian de Oporto
Bardic Defender - Maggie MacPherson


In service,

Baroness Ceinwen ferch Rhuel

Event Steward, Glaslyn Defender of the Flame



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