[Elfsea] Boxing Day!

Betsy Marshall betsy at softwareinnovation.com
Tue Dec 22 19:51:59 PST 2009

Hi, all and greetings good Gentles; Pyro here-

Just thought I'd spread the word- I'm stealing an Idea form JP and Gilyan; 

and inviting all and Sundry to come by Caelin and my house on the Saturday
after Christmas- 

a low pressure get together- garb if you like, pajamas if you must,

come by, talk, nosh and show off your cool stuff, 

or bring some stuff you don't need/love/want anymore and trade it for some
new stuff- 

yes, the well loved white elephant exchange..

or if you want to pull a Hobbit custom and just give stuff away; that is
okay too!


Time; noon to night time (or whenever you get tossed out!)

Place; 2220 Patterson Place, Arlington TX 76012

Free form eventing- white elephants will be swapped 1 for 1;  talk to people
you rarely see;

Cruise the library.


(downsides: Limited crash space- 1 bed, 2 sofas, no pets, not child proofed,
so watch your kiddos, no smoking in the house!)


Need a break from the family?

Come one, come all!

See you soon!


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