[Elfsea] Kingdom A&S - Central Artisans

Deana Covel Whitney dmcovel79 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 15 18:03:25 PST 2009


Once again
the artisans of Ansteorra out did themselves. The pieces shown, the papers
submitted, and the performances given were all entries that elevated the arts
in our Kingdom.   


The Central
Region has much news to be proud of from the Kingdom A&S.  

First, to
Don Duncan Hepburn, newest Laurel Candidate elect, Viviat!

His display
of coin making, with all the accompanying tools, was a grand display, so all knew
the honor was well deserved if they had not seen his work before. 


The youngest
competitor was M’lord Alex, son of Mistress Ameline.  He delighted the judges with a display of
magic tricks. 

One of the
bravest was a newcomer to the Steppes. 
Kingdom A&S was her first event, and she put on a exhibition of
period alchemy for the Royals and the Laurels. 
The King gave her a ring from his own hand during court as praise for
her skill.  Unfortunately her name is
slipping my memory at the moment. But I’m sure we will be seeing more of her.


For all the Artisans
who displayed, Vivat!


For the Pilgrim
Badge winners:

H Ly Aelfwyn
– Twist Pattern belt

Ld Tadhg – Subtleties
(current Elfsea artisan)



And for Gulf
War Champions:

Ly Anne
(Bella Donna) – period gem faceting  

H Ly Hanna –
brocaded belt

Don Duncan –
coin making

M. Ameline –
bog shoes



And of
course, we must thank the Laurels who spent their day judging all the entries.  Traveling from the Central Region was: Mistress
Ameline, Mistress Caerina, Mistress Genevieve, Mistress Rhiannon, Mistress
Serena, Mistress Stella, and Master Robin.

For the
Judges, Vivat!


The lists
above represent only artisans with a connection to the Central Region.  The full list should be posted shortly.


But to hint
at the newest champion, she moved Master Robin to tears and received the only
perfect score of the day. 


In Service
to the Arts,

 H Ly Hanna von Dahl

 Central Regional MoAS


If I have
misspelled anyone’s name or accidently left someone out, my deepest apologies. 

"Burn brightly without burning out." - Richard Briggs

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