[Elfsea] ISO Help

Annwn Shona lady.annwn at gmail.com
Sat Feb 28 14:01:23 PST 2009

Ok, so this seems to be the theme of my posts as of late, but what can I
say...I work in rescue, and when the economy sucks, there are more animals
and less people to take them.
Their Royal Majesties found a cat in their stairwell, and have taken her in.
She is up to date on shots, fiv and feline luke negative, and is spayed. Our
foster homes within the rescue are full, and we are at the mercies of time
when it comes to getting antoher rescue to take her. (all of the rescues are
voulinteer based, and thus things are down when they can be)

HRM Elizabeth has brgun calling her Ginny. She is a siamese (possibly
ragdoll) mix. She has some quirks...like she growls along with purs when you
pet her...it's kind of endearing (at least I find it so). She is not very
tolerant of HRM Gunthar however, so if you look a brute as HM obviously does
to this delicate feline, then she might not take to you ;)

She doesn't care for other cats, however, if you have fostered before,
shouldn't be too much of an issue. IF you don't currently have a cat, and
would like to foster, we will provide a litter box as well.

The rescue will take care of all the food and litter for the cat, all you
have to do is love her and show her affection. She has signs of having been
abused; there is a spot on her face she shies from having petted, and an
area on her rear that is the same. As though she were kicked or hit.

If you can help, please email me. With Royal duties and all that, a cat with
specific needs is simply too much. Especially right before gulf wars.

Most Appreciatively
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