[Elfsea] TIDINGS Deadline

Dáire and Druinne -- the Hays Family daire.druinne at gmail.com
Thu May 21 19:42:45 PDT 2009

Greetings to all from Dáire and Druinne, Baron and Baroness of Elfsea.

We would like to thank our Canton of Dragonsfire Tor for a wonderful
Guardian tournament and send our congratulations out to Anghus de Ruthven,
our newest Keystone.  His tireless work, his willingness to take on whatever
responsibilities present themselves and the manner in which he conducts them
are the hallmarks of someone who is most deserving of this accolade.  We are
just sorry he was not at Twelfth Night to receive it when it was read into

For those of you who went to Coronation, it was a special day and the feast
was wonderful.  The Shire of Rosenfeld did a great job.

As we look to the near future, we would like to remind everyone that Druinne
will be taking the Blue and White to Queens, so please know that you all
have a place to find some shade.

We have two events on the horizon:  Baronial College will be held as a joint
event with Steppes Artisan.  While Artisan is an on-calendar event for
Steppes, they have allowed us to join in with them this year to see how such
an event might work.  We have not had a college in the region since Kingdom
Law changed some years ago and Elfsea has not opted to use the off-calendar
designation for an event.  Lady Gilyana will be the steward for our portion
of the event.  This is a great time to teach and attend classes on topics
not necessarily related to the arts and science.  We expect that there will
be many classes on topics such as court, stewarding events, heraldry,
marshalling, SCA 101, and a whole host of other topics.  If you have a
request for a class or a class to teach, please contact her.

We are also taking bids for the Fall Event so please consider submitting
one, or volunteering to help in some way.

There are some fun events on the horizon:  Queens, Castellan, Kings College
and Passe de Armes. We are planning on three of these four events.

Pray know that we remain in ever faithful service to our Crown,
Dáire and Druinne

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Sandra Geil <alexsandraeryn at yahoo.com>wrote:

> The Eleventh Hour fast approaches...
> Send in your reports, pictures from events, articles, cartoons, editorials
> al AERYN
> Thank you for fast response
> Rapier Marshal
> A & S Minister
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