[Elfsea] Fwd: Medieval weaponry

eleanor cleavely whiteoakbard at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 23:38:32 PDT 2009

good morning, all!

is there a gentle who would be able to assist this young lady?

Eleanor Cleavely

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Misty <mymonsters5 at aol.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:02 PM
Subject: Medieval weaponry
To: historian at elfsea.net

 My sister participates in SCA in another state. She recommended that I
contact the historian for the kingdom in our area to see if I can get
assistance in finding research material for a paper. My topic is on medieval
weaponry. Are you able to refer me to any particular websites or sources
that would be helpful?

Thank you,



"Mine honor is my life; both grow in one;
take honor from me and my life is done."
--William Shakespeare

Ego existo obstinantus - I am resolved

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