[Elfsea] Viking Demo for Boy Scouts

Debbie Foster ladyelayne at sbcglobal.net
Sun Feb 21 19:28:47 PST 2010

Greetings to all Vikings and who would like to be a Viking for a day.
     The Lakeview District Boy Scouts have requested a demo from us Saturday April 17, 2010 at Worth Ranch near Palo Pinto from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM.  There will about 300 boys ages 10 thru 17 interested in learning about forging, weapons, clothing, history, stories and anything we are willing to share and demonstrate.  The boys will rotate to each of our different groups spending about 30 minutes with each one.
     The scouts are interested in learning how to use a forge.  They will provide propane, iron, and coke. Water and power either from an extension cord or generator will be available.  Only boys 14 or older will be allowed to participate with forge work and they are aware they will need to wear natural fiber clothing and leather aprons and gloves.
     We have also been invited to eat with them and they would consider it an honor to have us join them.  
     Mike Maughan is going to join us at Moot to discuss and answer questions you may have.  They are really excited about our demo since Viking culture is currently their theme.
     SCA events this same weekend are Stargate Baronial and Eldern.  So if you aren't going to one of those, perhaps you'd like to be a Viking for a day.
Yours in Service
Lady Elayne O'Ceileachair
Eflsea Hospitaler
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