[Elfsea] Inexpensive armor pieces for sale

Richard Culver rbculver at sbcglobal.net
Thu Feb 11 05:41:41 PST 2010

Wesað ge hal!

  I have a co-worker who played down in Houston for a while who has some armor pieces to sell off as he does not play anymore.  he has a pair of elbow cops, pair of knee cops, and a shield hand guard for $10 per pair/item.  They are ca. 1990's Duke Inman beginner set types- the cut spun domes style.  These would be good for a beginner on a budget or for a group to make an extra set of loaner gear.  If intersted, contact me off-list and we can work out transferring things around.

Wihtric hlafard Wihtmunding
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