[Elfsea] Alternative to rained out Elfsea fighter practice?

Heather NIce heather_nice2003 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 20 11:50:44 PST 2010

We its decided where, can some one  please give me GPS addy, thank you. Well all know my sense of direction is horrendus.
Elizabethe De Sparling.

--- On Wed, 1/20/10, Michael Gunter <countgunthar at hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Michael Gunter <countgunthar at hotmail.com>
Subject: [Elfsea] Alternative to rained out Elfsea fighter practice?
To: "Barony of Steppes - SCA Inc." <steppes at lists.ansteorra.org>, "Barony of Elfsea" <elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org>
Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 1:16 PM

The weather is indicating rain tonight and that got me thinking.
Would people be interested in meeting somewhere to lift a few, 
talk fighting philosophy and maybe grab a dinner?
On nights when we can't fight for some reason maybe an alternative
could be suggested.
Any thoughts? Suggested locale?

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