[Elfsea] Happy New Year! (Moderators, please post)

AlKudsi at aol.com AlKudsi at aol.com
Fri Jan 1 00:11:10 PST 2010

To my friends in the SCA in the area...
I want to thank all of you for your friendship, your support, your care, 
and your help during 2009. It hasn't been an easy year for many people in our 
area, me among them, and it is the support from all of you that has kept us 
all going. We may be a little battered, but we are still standing.
However, I have a suggestion -- let us focus on the future, instead of just 
the past. An odd request, perhaps, for an organization that is based on the 
study of the past, but relevant. We have an uncertain world out there, but 
we also have one incredible advantage -- each other. And focusing on only 
the past diverts us from the future -- one that allows us to remember, study, 
and love much of the past, but doesn't keep us from building on it toward a 
better future.
So many of us are very fortunate -- we have roofs over our heads, food on 
our tables, the love of our family and friends. We have the freedom to work, 
express our opinions, to vote, to study what we want, and to go where we 
want. There are so many who do not. 
I'd like to make a suggestion then. I would really like to see all of our 
local groups find one mundane organization that needs some help -- from 
homeless shelters to food pantries, orphanages, charities, and other groups 
devoted to helping others, and make a donation. It can be a group activity, or 
just a gathering of friends -- and it can be donation of money and/or 
supplies, to just time. But even those of us, like me, without much cash have 
talents or other ways to contribute. And many contributing even a small amount  of 
either time or money adds up to a lot. This is my New Year's 
resolution...to find a way to help others. I'd love it if some of my friends would join me.
Yours in service, quite literally,
HL Saqra al-Kudsi
aka Jackie Saunders
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