[Elfsea] Space Issues for War

Tomas Niallagain siortomas at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 10:28:53 PST 2010

  We could probably help you out.  But there is a caveat, We have to leave
site Friday night so anything you would like us to bring home will need to
leave with us.  If you desire you can call me at 682-233-1066

Sior Tomas

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Wilkerson, Glen D <
glen.d.wilkerson at lmco.com> wrote:

>  Space saving tip:  Put the stuff that can be into bags or duffles or
> whatever is soft and can be squashed into corners or other odd spaces and
> stack the empty tubs into each other, then transfer to the waterproof tubs
> when you get there.
> Alaric for “Ask Heloise”
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* elfsea-bounces+glen.d.wilkerson=lmco.com at lists.ansteorra.org[mailto:
> elfsea-bounces+glen.d.wilkerson <elfsea-bounces%2Bglen.d.wilkerson>=
> lmco.com at lists.ansteorra.org] *On Behalf Of *Liz Wilson
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 11, 2010 10:48 AM
> *To:* steppes at lists.ansteorra.org; elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
> *Subject:* [Elfsea] Space Issues for War
> HELP!  we are having some major space issues trying to put four
> people and their Gulf War gear into and on our Oldsmobile minivan.  I am
> paring down
> stuff today to take less, of course,
> but if there is anyone who could take some tubs of
> garb or cots or something for us or who has any other suggestions, please
> let me know.  Right now the stuff is not going to fit.  My husband's really
> good
> at packing but he's not going to be able to make this work.  We are not
> going to
> be able to add a trailer hitch and rent a trailer or rent another
> vehicle at this time (maybe next year), and since there's no hitch we can't
> even borrow a trailer, plus I'm not sure the 10 year old van is up to
> pulling
> one..
> We think the tent and poles will fit on the roof although we don't
> have a roof carrier.  Is it worth it to get a soft side one at
> Wal-Mart or should we just skip it?  A hard side one is not in
> our budget right now and I would think it would really cut down
> on the gas mileage.
> Christianna (a little stressed right now but going back to Scotch guarding)
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