[Elfsea] Elfsea Defender Gate schedule

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Sun Mar 28 17:51:34 PDT 2010

If you are able to attend the Elfsea Defender event, please consider helping
me with the gate. You get to meet just about everyone, hang out with the fun
people, and do your Barony a great service! It will only take a couple of
hours of your time (unless you choose to sign up for multiple shifts!). You
have a chance to get someone's event off to a great start with a smile and
friendly greeting.


The gate will be in operation from 5PM Friday until Midnight, then from 7AM
Saturday until noon (give or take). I need two people for each shift. People
who come in between midnight and the Saturday morning shift will see a sign
asking them to come back and sign in during the morning. People who come in
after noon on Saturday will see a sign asking them to find me and do the
money/paperwork thing. I have several people who have agreed to take an
unspecified shift, but I did not assign them a shift because I don't know
when they can work.



5PM - 8PM

8PM - 10PM

10PM - midnight



7AM - 9AM

9AM - 11AM

11AM - noon or so.


In service,

Caelin on Andrede

Elfsea Defender Gate



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