[Elfsea] Question on armouring a fighter transitioning...

Marilyn Wolffe mmdswolffe at sbcglobal.net
Wed Apr 27 20:03:23 PDT 2011

oh where to start....
Wolfhart(Daniel), age 15 yrs and 10 months, height 6'1".
He has the basic youth boffer stuff(hockey helmet, boxing gloves, blue foam kidney belt, etc.). Since he is just shy of fighting as an adult heavy-how do we transition?
I have been looking at various on-line spots. Alot of "stores" say they are "SCA legal" but are 12g and 18g. I looked at the handbook combat section, I believe it said 1/16 rigid"
Where is good good place to get the proper gauge helm at a reasonable price?
Steel vs, aluminum? Same gauge in each is different thicknesses. Which one do I choose? 
He was looking at Black Plastic Lamellar. Is it combat legal for adults? Is another material better? Leather? Aluminum? Any better suggestions or ideas?
Totally in the dark.
He has a wood on now. Does he need a metal one? Where do we get one?
Rattan, a good site? Hand guards? Different tips/ends(Axe, spear, hammer etc.)?
He has a gorget, and elbow,knees and gauntlets( that need finishing(all of these thanks to JJ). 
So where do we begin? Any and all suggestions will be helpful. As well as direction and donations*wink*. He has been practicing and have a lovely pell(our tether ball pole cover in various layers and spots with blue foam) in the middle of the backyard.
Sorry if I don't or didn't use the correct terminology for the items. I have always done the SCA as a single mom and have only recently re-married. Husband is handy in the shop but not a fighter-if given direction/or help can put together gear for D/W.
Lady Meriyan der Grat
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