[Elfsea] More gear for Wolfhart

Germanicus de Atlan ldgermanicus at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 29 18:56:46 PDT 2011

M'lady Meriyan,
I have a shield hand guard (steel) made by Brand Lancaster who's well known, and I am holding it for Daniel now.
Also I finally have had time to go through some of our clothes (remembering your earlier posting) and have a 
shirt and pants that will fit Daniel, both black.  He and my son Dane the Red fought repeatedly at Elfsea Defender
and had a grand time together, and both are the same size!
You also mentioned he has knees already, but if they are not steel and he could use such, I have a pair of knees
with fans that perhaps one of our Elfsea armorers can help him finish out.
He's about to move into the Youth Chivalric division of Youth Combat once he turns 16, meaning that he'll be wearing 
the exact same gear as all adult heavy fighters, but fighting 16 and 17 year olds at events.  With parental approval and 
being OK'd by the Kingdom Earl Marshal, he may also begin fighting at events once he passes as a full adult fighter per 
the Kingdom Youth Combat rules.  This is explained on Page 8 of the Complete Participant's Handbook at 
Like Connor, Ryan, Boris and some of the other young fighters, he's probably already being trained by our best at local 
practices which is superb experience for him and the others. (Thanks to all of you who take the time with our 
Youth Combat fighters; your efforts are GREATLY appreciated)
I'll be at Coronation and Steppes Warlord helping run the Youth Combat Tourneys at each, and you can also catch me
by email or by phone which I think you already have (I'm listed in the Blackstar as well)
Let me know how I can help,
Germanicus / Jeff Currie
Central Region Youth Combat Marshal
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