[Elfsea] Steppes Warlord Thank You's

Susan Harkins steppeswarlord at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 13:04:51 PDT 2011


Now that we have had time to rest and revisit all of the things that
happened during Steppes Warlord, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank
those who helped make the event such a success! It takes so many people to
make Warlord happen it is hard to thank each and every one of you. Our
apologies if we leave someone out, or misspell  a name. Any mistakes are not

If you were a department head and wish to extend more thanks with more
details, please do!

First, our gratitude goes to our beloved Baron and Baroness, Duncan and
Genevieve, who allowed us to be event stewards. We hope we came close to
making your vision a reality.

For all the help with upfront planning, we wanted to thank our hard-working
Seneschal, Lady Katarina, our Exchequer, Lady Elec, and our Financial
Committee for working with us to get our bid, budget, and contracts all
signed, as well as our event ads submitted. Also, we wanted to extend a
special thanks to Master Richard Fairbourne for meeting with us prior to the
event and answering questions and sharing his extensive experience with us
about what it takes to run this event. We are grateful!

Thanks to Her Majesty, Gwen, for designing our beautiful website, and to our
Webminister, Lord John. for keeping it up to date with so many small

It takes so many people to get all of the stuff to site, set up, torn down,
and back in the storage locker, we wanted to list the folks that helped us -
please forgive anyone we have missed: Their Excellencies, Sir Lasuaard,
Antoine and Marissa, Lady Katerina (who was in charge of decorations), Lord
Conrad, Nathan, Rhianna, Lord Ivan, Lady Rhonwen, Skolmr, Ingvarr, Count
Hrafn and Countess Elizabeta, Lord Yoshi and Lady Kohaku. and Lord Hosey,
and Lady Viviana.

We also want to thank Lady Viviana for stepping up and running gate for us.
She did a fantastic job and didn't have much time to get ready. Her
volunteers were awesome and gate was fully staffed the entire time!

A big thanks go out to House Crimson Blades (Lord Ivan, Lady Rhonwen, and
family) for running hospitality again this year. They kept us all in water,
Gatorade, pickles, and water-bearing volunteers throughout the event. It was
hot and their hard work can make the difference between having fun and
getting sick from the heat. We are lucky to have them and their army of

Our Marshals did a great job this year getting the lists organized,
Chivalric: Lord Yoshi, Rapier: Lady Layla, Archery and Thrown Weapons: HL
Ironwyrm, Sir Lasguaard, Lady Lyneya, and HL Kayta. Thanks also to our list
mistresses, Mistress Michelle for Chivalric and Lady Katarzyna for Rapier.

Our Merchant Coordinator, Lady Maeve, got the plans complete for our
merchants, met them on site, and made sure their needs were met. She did a
great job before and during the event!

We were a bit short-staffed for security, but a few people stepped up and
worked some long hours to help us: Lady Simone, Lord Yoshi, and Lady Kohaku.
(we also ran a lot of security, but that was the adrenaline keeping us up!)

Thanks go to HL Svan for running the Bardic competition and HL Toryn for
organizing the Hafla and Middle Eastern dance competition. Also, thanks to
Lord Conrad for his busy two-days as herald in charge - great job!

I think all of the youth who attended Warlord had a great time participating
in the many youth activities organized by our Youth Marshal, Lady Alexandra,
and her Deputy, Lord Ivan. I know that everyone had a great time. It's
inspiring to see how hard our youth are working!

Thanks to our Minister of Children, Lady Christiana for running children's
activities and for running our Garb Garage sale (with Lady
Rhonwen's help) as well!

Also thanks to Lord Duncan and HL Katya for running and sponsoring our A&S
competition, and to Mistress Kalida for hosting the embroidery competition
again this year.

Our Scribes Table was set up and supported by Lord Herries and HL Toryn. The
heralds table was run by HE Tostig and co. These tables were a great service
to our guests!

Our beautiful scrolls were designed by HL Honour, and painted by members of
the Steppes C&I guild: Lady Galen and Lady Anwyn.

Once again it is hard to remember everyone who worked. Let's just say that
it was an army of volunteers that helped the event run so smoothly. We are
so grateful and we can't wait to autocrat our next event! You are the best
and working the event was a blast.

Our deepest gratitude -

HE Honour Du Bois and Lady Susanna Nightegale - Steppes Warlord Event
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