[Elfsea] Baronial Pot Luck

Daralynn Brittain elspeth013 at hotmail.com
Mon May 2 12:54:51 PDT 2011

Greetings Elfsea!

At Moot, it was announced that the Baron and Baroness are hosting an after event Pot Luck.  It will be at our house, the Sunday after Queen's Champion.  This will be a great time to digest the event, figure out ways to make it  better next year, and to make sure your suggestions are heard!  Come out, enjoy the day, and spend time with friends.

We have a larger home, and not horribly huge yard...but, it you just cannot put down the armor and weapons, bring 'em over :). finishing that art project? Bring it, as well.

When:  May 22, 2011  Sunday
Where: Gerhart and Elspeth's home
            4716 Waterway Dr North
            Ft. Worth, Tx 76137
Time:  1:00 - ?
Bring:  a dish to share with everyone!

RSVP, so i know how many to expect, and to let me know what dish you are bringing.

In Service,

Lady Elspeth de Stervlen

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