[Elfsea] Call for assistance for Elfsea Baronial College

Jackie Saunders alkudsi at aol.com
Wed Nov 2 07:03:53 PDT 2011

To all my local SCA friends who have inkle looms not currently in use...

I am teaching a beginning course in inkle weaving at the college. I would dearly love to be able to let everyone who takes the class get some actual hands-on experience, and am therefore asking folks to bring theirs and let me borrow them for the day. I myself have five looms, and four are coming with me (the big one still has a project on it I need to finish!), but I have no idea how many people will be there in my class.

Please contact me off-list if you are willing to let me borrow your loom.

Also, if you are past the beginning stages, but have a project that you are working on that has a problem, I will be available most of the day to help out...or you can bring it just to show off and to work with other weavers between classes!

Hon el-Sayyidda Saqra al-Kudsi
Steppes Artisan VI
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