[Elfsea] Announcement: Heraldic Articles in Elfsea Tidings!

Andreas von Meißen scamiz at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 12:43:46 PST 2011

Greetings unto Elfsea!

For those of you who have not met me, my name is Andreas von Meißen, and I
am your Herald.
For my column in the Elfsea Tidings, I will be writing a series of short
informative and introductory articles on Heraldry.

I am posting this missive both to announce the column, and to request the
Barony's input.

Please, feel free to recommend topics to me you would like to learn about.
Ask questions! If there are enough, I would be happy to do "Ask a Herald"

Do you have a question on Heraldry?
Is there a heraldic topic you have always wanted to have covered or
Confused about what manner of armory you are allowed to bear?
Heard conflicting stories of what you are or are not allowed to do in

Email me, and I can see about devoting column space to the topic!
I can be reached at herald at elfsea.net.

I look forward to meeting everyone over the coming months!

Yours in Service,

Herr Andreas von Meißen, Nautilus Pursuivant

Andrew R. Mizener/ Herr Andreas von Meißen
Cadet to Warder Brighid MacCumhal
Barony of Elfsea - Nautilus Pursuivant
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