[Elfsea] Baronial Holiday Party

Daralynn Brittain elspeth013 at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 16 10:02:15 PST 2012


Apparently my emails to this list from my officer email are not going out, at all, anymore....so this was supposed to be the third in a series....and none have gone out (will be checking my computer tomorrow).

Monday, the 17th, is our Baronial Holiday Party.  My apologies to Tony, who was going to gather the goodies being brought, but due to technical difficulties His info never made it to the list.  We will try this from my personal email.

At 7:00 there will be a brief officers and financial committee meeting.  All are invited to attend the officers meeting. We will be discussing the financial policy, and two bids that have been received.  The Elfsea website has this happening at our home...this is not where this is happening.... (see below)

at 7:30 the party/potluck will begin.  The Baron and Baroness are bringing the main dish: ie - meat, and the rest is potluck.  If you would like to bring something to share, please respond to this email, on the list, and we can see what is being brought.

Please bring feast gear,  or someone can sign up to bring paper products.....   :)

Please come out and celebrate a truly wonderful year we have had in Elfsea!!!!

Coors Center
2550 McMillan Parkway, Fort Worth, TX 76137 

In Service,

Elspeth de Stervlen

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