[Elfsea] Elfsea Fall Melee

Tamara Carlton tamara at carltons.net
Tue Jul 10 06:12:42 PDT 2012

Good morning!

Lady Katrine la Esclopiera and I have been awarded the bid for our Fall
Melee.  October 20th at Jim Braley near Waco.  With all the activities
Elfsea's populas is involved in this year, we want to make sure the Melee
goes off as smoothly as possible. Please volunteer to help in one of the
following places.  We have split up the work as much as possible so each job
is easy to volunteer for.


Lady Caitrina inghean Mhurchadha


Parking coordinator: to assist drivers on where to park and to remind
campers to move their vehicles.

Royal liason:  to make sure they have everything they need.

Nastycrat:  to make sure the potties are stocked and reasonably clean

Camping coordinator: to assist campers on where they should be camping and
to move those that need to

Torch meiser: to set, light and monitor baronial torches

Merchant coordinator:  to encourage and invite and assist the merchants

Set-up crew(6):  to assist in setting pavilions etc beginning at noon on

Tear-down crew (5): to assist in packing up baronial stuff on Sunday after

Water Bearing:  to run the water baring tent and insure our fighters are


Tavern Coordinator : Elsbeth

Gate: Helen

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