[Elfsea] Elfsea A&S Open Houses Begin in August

Irena Fridenberg rubberduckiemom at gmail.com
Thu Jul 19 04:25:24 PDT 2012


Starting August second, two weeks from today, Robert and I will be opening
the house up for A&S night. We invite the Elfsea, TOR, Glaslyn, Steppes,
Central Region and the Ansteorran populace to come between the hours of
6:00PM to 9:00 into our home to do some A&S and/or visit.

If you are interested in a class on a specific subject, please let
Honorable Lady Adelaide or us know. There are so many wonderful artisans in
our area we shouldn't have any problems!  If you would like to teach a
class (that would be awesome!), please let Adelaide or myself know; I will
be happy to get the message to Adelaide.

We will have charters to paint every week; starting in September, we will
have the Elfsea Scribal Guild meeting.

So come and see how creative you can be!

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