[Elfsea] FW: [Ansteorra] FW: ATTN: MOAS Knowne World A&S Auction and Gala Fundraiser

Michelle Dodd lygabrielerdb at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 4 19:57:04 PDT 2012

Forwarded for those not on the Ansteorra list.

> From: tlpratt at sw.rr.com
> To: ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
> Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 16:41:23 -0500
> Subject: [Ansteorra] FW: ATTN: MOAS Knowne World A&S Auction and Gala	Fundraiser
> Forwarded per request.
> Marguerite
> ****************************************************************************
> *********************************
> Knowne World A&S Auction and Gala Fundraiser Invitation
> Greetings All!
> It is a pleasure to invite the entire populace of the SCA to a night of art,
> music, fundraising and fun! The Knowne World A&S Auction and Gala Fundraiser
> will take place on August 7th 2012 in East Kingdom Royal at Pennsic.
> Artisans from all Kingdoms are working to produce the finest wares for your
> bidding pleasure. Half of the final selling price from each artisan's piece
> will go to their Kingdom and the remainder will go to Corpora to help
> replenish everyone's coffers after this financially challenging year.
> From 6:00 to 8:00 pm the gates will be open to preview the treasures for
> auction, but wait! If you are expecting a solemn, hushed event you are sure
> to be disappointed. Musicians and performers such as Mistress Marian of
> Heather Dale of Ealdomere, The Tulsin Troubadours of Atlantia and Master
> Efenwealt Whystle of Ansteorra will be playing for your entertainment during
> the preview and during breaks. Some of our finest brewers and vintners will
> be donating the fruits of their labor for your refreshment! Cooks and bakers
> will produce delicacies to tease your palate! Only during the bidding (which
> starts promptly at 8:00 pm) do we request quiet so the auctioneers can hear
> and be heard. We do want raise to money after all.
> So save that birthday money or break into your piggy bank and take home a
> piece that will be the envy of all others! Visit our website at
> http://knowneworldauction.org/ and view the offerings as they get posted. As
> the donations get finished they will be added and others will be updated as
> works in progress so visit frequently. Share the website with any groups,
> friends or newsletters that might be interested. Come and join the fun and
> support a cause that is dear to all of us!
> Of course we are still looking for more donations whether they be auction
> pieces, refreshments or snacks. For donations to the Auction, please go to
> the website, fill out the registration form and submit pictures even if they
> are works in progress. If you own a business, it can be linked through the
> description. Many have volunteered but we want the populace to be able to
> view them. For gifts of refreshments or snacks please email us at
> kerryl at maine.rr.com. 
> In Service,
> Mistress Carolyne and Master Julien de LaPointe
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