[Elfsea] Photos at Eldern Hills

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Mon May 21 20:40:55 PDT 2012

I've uploaded my photos from Eldern Hills. There are relatively few of them as I got lost on the way up, got there just in time for the archery competition, and then went into the Pelican circle.

The standard disclaimers apply: you may use these and any of my photos on flickr for non-profit, SCA use as long as you attribute them to Caelin on Andrede, Richard Threlkeld, or Betsy Marshall. I will provide a photographer's release if you require one, but you are on your own for model releases.

I have higher resolution, RAW versions. If you have a few you consider special, I can furnish them for your own manipulation or I can do simple manipulations for you.

The photos are at http://www.flickr.com/photos/rthrelkeld/sets/ .

In service,
Caelin on Andrede
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