[Elfsea] Coronation Feast

Alexsandraeryn alexsandraeryn at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 19 15:56:56 PDT 2013

Put me down for three please.  


Sent from my iPad

On Mar 19, 2013, at 10:10 AM, Daralynn Brittain <elspeth013 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings!
> Thank you for all the reservations.  If you do NOT receive a confirmation email from me (within 24 hours), please email me one more time.  Everyone that emails me with reservations will receive a confirmation... to make sure i have them all recorded.  Payment will be made at gate.
> Thank you!!  
> If you have not sent in your feast reservation, please do so as soon as possible.  Feast is limited to 125 paid feasts. And the menu is up, and sounds delicious!!
> Have a great day !
> In Service,
> HL Elspeth de Stervlen
> Event Steward, Spring Coronation
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