[Elfsea] Some Online References

kb755779 at aol.com kb755779 at aol.com
Thu Mar 7 08:04:19 PST 2013

Hello all,

I'm a relatively new member to the group, Karen Brown Campbell (still 
working on developing my persona name). I direct a Writing Center at 
Tarrant County College and just finished my Ph.D. in Medieval 
Literature and theory.

Anyway, last Thursday while talking about documentation at the A&S 
meeting, we also discussed some online references. I'm aware of quite a 
few that I thought might prove useful that I use in class and used as 
sources for my dissertation. A number of these may be familiar to you 
all, but I hope a few may be new and help in your own research or 
inspiration on a number of medieval subjects including hunting, 
cooking, dress, and scribal arts.

I also have a collection of some 300 medieval ebooks on many topics I 
am willing to share parts of (not all of them obviously but one or two 
you may be interested in).  I also have access to Early English Books 
Online through my library access at a couple universities, a database 
with all of the printed books from England between 1472 and 1700. If 
you are interested in accessing an early printed English piece, let me 
know and I will get that information to you.

The links list is attached to this email. (I've also attached a couple 
helfpul handouts on using MLA and APA styles for documentation if any 
of you plan on doing research). Please contact me privately at 
kb755779 at aol.com if you are interested in any of my ebooks or have 
questions about exactly what resources are available with these links 
(some of which are quite extensive). The Middle English Texts link is 
particularly useful but has over a hundred different texts to look at.

I hope everyone will find the information useful.

All the best,


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