No subject

Wed Apr 9 05:11:28 PDT 2014

is a much better drive than the hour that Lord Daire
and Lady Medb or Lord Polydore have to drive just to
get to Trinity, not to mention Randol Mill.

As far as going up to people at practice and telling
them about the SCA, we do that on a regular basis at
Randol Mill or otherwise.Sebastian has talked to
people. Ceatta has talked to people. Brigit has talked
to people. I, as a deputy hospitaler, have certainly
talked to people. However, most of the people who stop
and watch have seen us many times before and we've
given them the information. You can't lead a horse to
water, you know.

I still don't understand why you are so opposed to
moving fighter practice, sir. The Barony has brought
up some wonderful points on why we should move it and
where but you still seem so adamantly opposed. I wish
there was a way I could help you understand why
Trinity is our best choice but, alas, I cannot. I do,
however, respect your opinion and remain...

Your friend in disagreement,
Eleanor Cleavely

GulesBaron wrote:

"If the practice goes to Trinity, I will bet that
another practice will be started on the east side and
all you will do is trade one handful of fighters for a
different handful that attend the 'official' baronial
practice.  That is not progress. If we want to turn
our practice into a recruiting tool then Trinity is a
good choice, but so are some of the other parks that
not have people adamantly opposing them.  What I hear
people saying is that we are wanting our practices to
be more of a demo rather than a practice.  I agree
that the practice needs to go west a little further
because I would like to fight some of the western
fighters a little more often without driving for an
hour to get there (and more to the point an hour to
back). However if we go all the way to Trinity what is
probably going to happen is that the Loch will end up
fighting the people that they normally fight on
Saturdays because it is too far for the easterners to
drive. Nothing will be accomplished except a new group
of people will see us at Trinity and maybe generate
some recruitment though I don't see much of that
happening either.  In my almost twenty five years in
the SCA I have seen very little successful recruitment
at a practice even when it was held in a mall. This
brings me to another topic.  I have been going to
Randoll Mill park for the 6 years that I have been
here and have spoken to many mundanes about the SCA
but I have been the exception rather than the rule.  I
have seen people standing around and watching us and
everybody who was sitting at the tables continued to
sit there.  I have seen Raimon offer info, Galen and
Stella and others when asked but there is not a lot
of pro-active recruiting going on.  This is why I
question that one of the motives of this move being

The human language is like a cracked kettle on which we beat out a tune for a dancing bear, when we hope with our music to move the stars.
- - - Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary

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