No subject

Wed Apr 9 05:11:28 PDT 2014

My observations:
1. - Postings should go to both lists.  We should use the communication devices available to us for a more diverse cross section of our target audience.

2. - Who is in charge of the web information for this event?


From: "Morgan Cain" <morgancain at>
Reply-To: steppes at
Date:  Mon, 28 Jan 2002 07:16:55 -0600

> It's the same weekend as Elfsea's Baronial College.  Feb 8-10

Ah, somehow I thought the Baronial College was a week earlier, because I
remember thinking I couldn't go due to being out of town.  Have not seen nor
heard anything about the Baronial College so it has not been on my calendar.
I went to the BC last year and still think I will try B.L.A.T. this year as
the people up there are a LOT of fun.

                                                ---= Morgan

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